Self Esteem
Accessing the Power Within
This is a 6-week course on self-esteem, however, if you plan on just reading it and not doing the activities involved, then it might be best if you come back to this course at a later date when you are ready. Just like you can’t read about being physically fit, you need to do the work involved to become fit. Similarly, building self-esteem requires work and sometimes it is rigorous. You can’t read about self-esteem and then think that will improve your level of inner power. It involves action and one choice at a time. You are not born with Self-esteem; it is something you learn.
– So, what is Self-Esteem? Read all the definitions of self-esteem that you can come across. What is self? What is it to be esteemed? Spend time asking yourself these questions because if you are going to a course on self-esteem, then it is essential to know what it is that you’re studying.
My definition of self-esteem is “that power you have inside you that enables you to be strong, regardless of what’s occurring around you”. Self-esteem is your fundamental power that governs your resilience in everything else. Your ‘inner power’. It is the MOST powerful instrument you have. Let that sink in before you read any further.
Everything you do or say is an exchange of power. By the time you have finished this course, you will have an excellent understanding of power exchanges between people and most notably, where and when YOU lose power. Make no mistake about it – EVERYTHING you do, say and think involves self-esteem. It’s all about channelising it in the right direction.
Six Week Course Designed
About Me
I have always known there is a deeper truth and when I was ready, this truth would reveal itself to me. I have language now to often describe what is happening but most of my life I had no idea what I was doing. I somehow trusted that this was where I was meant to be and that I would be okay. As a single parent, there were many times when I had less than $1.00 in the bank and I wasn’t sure how I would survive, but I always did. I had a deep knowing that “things would always work out for me”. I believe in miracles and that we have Angels who are constantly guiding us in our lives.
So, in a nutshell I have answered the first question on “Who am I?”. Of course, that is just a summary because in the past 50 years, a lot more has happened to me and for me and I would need 50 years to write it all down. I have a sense of humour too, haha. The next question – How did I come about writing a course on Self-esteem? This is the easy bit because as I began peeling away each layer of illusion (I will go into this later in the course), I came to understand the relationship between my inner power and how that affected my entire life. When my inner power was strong, then I seemed to handle situations much better than when I felt weak or disempowered. When I was studying for the diploma in holistic counselling, I basically pulled myself apart, upside down and inside out and then slowly and compassionately began putting myself back together again. What happened as I did this? I began feeling empowered and life started looking a whole lot different. It is always a work in progress and all the activities I teach you below is all the work I have done and continue to do. I then knew I was going to teach people how to become empowered and hence writing a course on self-esteem.